How do I edit a macro?
1. Select the macro you want to edit and click the <Edit> button. Make sure that the macro 'type' in the main EZ Macros window is 'Macro'.
2. You now see the default settings for this macro.
By default you will be recording keystrokes and mouse movements and clicks. Keystrokes and mouse movements and clicks are also known as 'events'. You can click the "Record keyboard events" box to record keystrokes, the "Record mouse events" box to record mouse information, or you can click both boxes to capture both. If you only want one to record one type of event, click on the one you do not want. Only the events checked are the events that will be recorded.
Now notice the 'Repeat Count' field. This is the number of times the macro will be played back when you run the macro. This is very handy when performing repetitive tasks such as editing text or "massaging data".
3. If you want to rerecord the macro click the <Record> button. The EZ Macros window disappears, and a green light appears in the tray window (the clock window). When the green light is on you are recording a macro. Now is the time to type and/or move your mouse for your macro. When you are finished recording your macro, hit the <Pause> key on your keyboard. The EZ Macros window will reappear, and the light will turn to red. (The <Pause> key will not be apart of the macro.)
If you want to edit the macro or add/insert a macro within the existing macro click the <Create/Edit> button. The window below will appear.
If you want to insert special keys, like F1, click the <F1> button. Notice the buttons on the right of the window called:
Activate Window
Insert Sound
Insert Delay
Insert Date/Time
Insert Pause
Insert Comment
Call Macro - Allows you to call another macro from the current macro
Call DLL
Reboot - Allows you to log off, shutdown or restart the computer from the macro
Copy/Ren/Del File - Allows you to copy, rename or delete a file in your macro
Email - Allows you to automatically generate and send an email, or automatically start an email and allow you (or a macro) to edit it.
Enter Data - Used for allowing you to stop the macro while playing, typing some data for the macro to insert for you, then continuing the macro.
Click on these button names above to learn about each function.
You can insert a recording into the existing one. Just click on the position you want to insert the recording into, and the new instructions will be inserted before the highlighted row. When you are finished recording, click the <Pause> key on your keyboard.
You can append a recording onto the end of the existing one by clicking the <Append Recording> button. When you are finished recording, click the <Pause> key on your keyboard.
4. After you click the <Next> button, you can enter a description for this macro. This will help you to remember what this macro does when you come back to it later.